
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.”  

Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own

Agreed! So, in the spirit of eating well, let’s share!

Each week we will share a different recipe from myself or anyone who is interested in contributing to the site. Maybe it’s your own creation, or possibly a recipe you stumbled upon and now love!

As a lifelong vegetarian I became skilled at modifying food long before poses, so don’t let one ingredient stop you from trying something new, modify as needed, and if you come up with a great variation, let us know!

Magnesium Spritz

This is the perfect drink to sip on in the evening, not only does it give you...

Vegan Vanilla Chia Pudding

This recipe is from my mom, Terry, she often makes this for me before class and I...

Vegan One Pot Mushroom Tetrazzini – Rabbit and Wolves

Since I learned of Rabbit and Wolves I can tell you I have NEVER been steered wrong...

Vegan Dijon Caesar Dressing – Oh She Glows

As many of you likely know, I LOVE Angela Liddon, so you’ll see a lot of her...

Healing Turmeric Tonic

This broth-based soup was created after years of combining my favourite things from every yummy immune-boosting, turmeric-filled,...